Thank you!
First off, thank you to everyone who has already participated! So far, it has been quite the wild ride, and there is still much more to come.
“Test-to-Earn Phase 2” opened up all new features and pushed our game client to it’s forever home StarkNet, which was no small feat from the Influence development team… (Thank you devs)
All of the new features that were added within the game client allowed our team to:
Garner valuable, actionable data to improve the Influence game client
Provide information to the StarkNet team around the Goerli Test Network’s performance
Test the StarkNet native wallets (ArgentX and Braavos) and provide feedback on their performance
This process has led to some great discovery and we are already working on multiple improvements to ensure security, reliability, and user experience within the Influence game client.
What’s happened so far?
As of right now we have had ~2000 participants who have:
Minted 10,000 Asteroids
Minted ~15,000+ Crewmates
Bridged thousands of assets between L1 (Ethereum) and L2 (StarkNet)
The event is still ongoing! (Aug. 29 - Oct. 1)
To learn how to participate visit HERE
What went well and what did not?
Summary of TestNet Features Performance:
Bridging assets between Layer 1 and Layer 2 ✅
Minting asteroids on Layer 2 (StarkNet) ✅
Adalian recruitment (creating new Crewmates) ✅
Crew management User Interface ✅
Minting & Managing
Thanks to our outstanding and experienced dev team there were very few issues within the Influence game client. The in-game actions such as minting crew, minting asteroids, and managing crew all performed extremely well with only a few minor UI bugs and updates that we are now actively working on.
Things the team has identified thanks to user reports and testing are:
Unique name error message when naming crewmates was not obvious.
Removing crewmates once your crew was full to be able to mint a new one was not obvious.
(Thank you again to everyone who is participating in this ongoing test, your feedback is extremely valuable!!!)
While the bridge is a non-typical game action, it is extremely important for the security of assets. The bridge performed well, however, we did find a small bug affecting users’ ability to see their assets once bridged.
Things the team has identified thanks to user reports and testing are:
While this did not affect the security of the assets, some users were unable to access their assets as they were stuck in limbo, due to MetaMask not prompting them to finalize the bridging.
While it was possible to switch between L1 and L2, we saw many users unsure how to do this.
The slowness of the network was unpredictable and users were not sure how long bridging would take.
We have since implemented a myriad of changes to prompt users how to solve common issues, and improve the overall UX of bridging, and give them clear understanding of expectations in timing.
Network speed and wallet issues
Lastly, we would like to address the difficulties that some users faced with the slowness of the network and the persistent error in certain wallets that made it difficult to complete actions. Although not directly related to Influence development, we have been collecting all the feedback we’ve received and have passed it along to the appropriate teams.
(Some of which has already sparked these teams to implement changes to improve certain actions that caused difficulties. Woo! Thank you.)
We will continue to work with them to improve the experience for this and future testnet releases. We expect that your efforts and feedback will help to make the mainnet Influence experience an incredible one!
What’s Next?
The test-to-earn event is still active and will be ongoing until October 1st. For more information and details click HERE
The Influence development team is already actively building towards our next testnet release. The smart contracts and in-game mechanics to support scanning, core sampling, extraction, surface transportation, and building construction are all in progress. No official release date has been set, but we are targeting early fall 2022.