Test-to-Earn: Phase 2
Bridging to StarkNet, Purchasing Asteroids, Creating and Managing Crewmates
Hello Adalians,
Our first launch of incentivized testnet was a massive success with over 1,000 participants and 11,101 asteroids minted in just under 16 hours. Word traveled fast and since then we have had thousands of new community members joining us across Twitter, Discord, and our mailing list.
We understand not everyone who joined was able to participate in Phase 1, and we know many of you want to dive into Influence, learn more, have some fun, and earn some SWAY. So this time we will be doing things a bit differently to enable more people to participate.
Starting on August 29th “Phase 2” will open up allowing everyone to join in and help test Influence.
Phase 2 is important for us to gather data on how new features perform so that we can improve Influence, ensure reliability, educate the player base in a zero-risk environment, and prepare for launch.
Let’s dive in and explore Phase 2…
Bridging assets between Layer 1 and Layer 2
Minting asteroids on Layer 2 (StarkNet)
Adalian recruitment (creating new Crewmates)
Crew management User Interface:
Slotting in crewmates
Assigning a captain
Inspecting details/roles/jobs
Bridging assets between Layer 1 and Layer 2 has been a massive feature to build, and is used for allowing players to secure their assets on the layer they feel most comfortable. You will need your asteroids and crewmates on Layer 2 to play, but if you ever feel that you want an added layer of security while out of town or away from play for long periods of time, moving these assets to Layer 1 may be a good idea for you.
Within the testnet, we are looking to ensure the stability and ease of use of the bridge portal, as this is going to be a big part of our current owners’ experience when we officially move to StarkNet as our forever home. All asteroids and crewmates acquired/created in the future will by default be solely on Layer 2.
Minting Asteroids:
Minting asteroids is the action of “purchasing” an asteroid. In TestNet you will be doing this with test network ETH, which is free, so you are not actually spending any money. However, purchasing asteroids once enabled within the main game client is the same.
Adalian Recruitment:
Adalian recruitment is the process in-game where players will “create” their new crewmate. Upon starting your first Adalian Citizen creation, you will be shown a cinematic trailer immersing you in the story of Influence. Once the video completes you will begin creating your new character for Influence.
Creating & Managing your crew:
Once you have created your Adalian crewmate(s) through the Adalian recruitment process, you can now manage and form your crew within the “Crew Management Console”. Within this feature of the game you will have the opportunity to assign a captain, slot in up to five total “active” crewmates, and preview the details of your crew individually or as a unit.
How long does the event last?
Part 1: Aug. 29 - Sep. 4
10,000 asteroids available (Rewards limited to 10 per account)
Unlimited crewmates available (Global rewards capped at 75 million SWAY)
Part 2: Sep. 4 - Oct. 1
500 asteroids per week available for four weeks (Rewards limited to 1 per account)
Unlimited crewmates available (Global rewards capped at 25 million SWAY)
How much can I earn?
1% (1.5 billion SWAY) of the total initial SWAY distribution at launch will be given to participants of the Influence TestNet.
SWAY Rewards:
Purchasing an Asteroid: 5,000 SWAY
Recruiting Crewmate: 1,000 SWAY
Bridging L1 to L2 Asteroids: 2,500 SWAY
Bridging L2 to L1 Asteroids: 1,000 SWAY
Bridging L1 to L2 Crewmate: 2,500 SWAY
Bridging L2 to L1 Crewmate: 1,000 SWAY
NOTE: After October 1st earning will no longer be available until TestNet Phase 3 launches.
How do I test/participate?
We recommend joining the Influence Discord: https://discord.gg/influenceth as this is where all questions and support will take place.
Follow the TestNet Phase 2 guide and prepare for the launch on Aug. 29th here: https://wiki.influenceth.io/en/gameplay/testnet/phase-two